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Exercício 9368

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Nova funcionalidade: Provas

Agora você pode fazer provas completas de vestibulares anteriores. Quer conhecer?

Estamos criando um canal no Youtube.

Se inscreva e aprenda o que mais cai de uma forma jamais vista

(UERJ - 2011)Número Original: 18Código: 9368

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Quotes From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2011
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“Radio is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome” (¢. 4-5) The above citation by T.S. Eliot reinforces the author’s opinion regarding the consequences of technological advances in the process of socialization. This opinion is most clearly expressed in the following fragment: (A) Humans seem to take very well to inventions that simply make everyday life easier and more convenient ((. 1) (B) This impulse that new is worse, when combined with the etemal concem about “kids today”, goes far in explaining why grown-ups worry so much ((. 6-7) (C) Most teenagers would probably admit their days are filled with text messaging friends, talking on their cell phones, (¢. 14-15) (D) these electronic activities increase teens’ individualistic behavior by lessening their opportunity to have face-to-face relationship building time. ((. 17-19)

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