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(UERJ - 2012)Número Original: 17Código: 9082

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Conjunction From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2012
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The logical relationship between clauses establishes different notions. An example which expresses the notion of concession is indicated in: (A) since public understanding is harder to change than terminology, (¢. 7-8) (B) If this new term was intended to be clear, (¢. 29) (C) because so much political speech involves defending the indefensible, (¢. 30-31) (D) This, though, isn't clear when it is simply labelled “clean coal”. (¢. 36-37)

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Conjunction - From Web - Internet

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1(UERJ- RJ - 2011)Número Original: 19Código: 9366

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Conjunction From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2011
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I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a make- believe room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism. (/. 26-28) The underlined segment has the function of: (A) justifying (B) illustrating (C) emphasizing (D) recapitulating

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2(UERJ- RJ - 2008)Número Original: 19Código: 10184

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Informative Texts - Journalistic Conjunction From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2008
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In argumentative writing, the presence of transitions is crucial to make the text both cohesive and coherent. An instance of transition by means of contrast is found in: ta) “greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly responsible for a host of changes already under way,” (¢. 3-5) (B) “a variety of health effects as well, with ‘increased deaths, disease and injury due to heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts’,” (¢. 25-27) (C)_ “higher concentrations of carbon dioxide, the main heat-trapping gas, are contributing to a greener world, according to the draft.” (¢. 30-33) (D} “while temperate and higher latitudes could be friendlier to farming, they are also proving friendlier to weeds,” (¢. 40-42]

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3(UERJ- RJ - 2013)Número Original: 17Código: 16103

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From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2013
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The author not only states that readers like positive reviews, but also gives reasons for their preference. The paragraph where these reasons can be found is the: (A) second (B) fourth (C) sixth (D) eighth

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4(UERJ- RJ - 2013)Número Original: 18Código: 16104

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UFO (Inglês) From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2013
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In the third paragraph, the author explains why he prefers to write positive reviews, but one of these explanations is strictly related to his aim in writing raves. The author's main goal can be identified in the following alternative (A) write texts about good music (B) read the comments about his opinion (C) increase the number of links to his site (D] direct his readers to his musical preference

Opções de Resposta: 

5(UERJ- RJ - 2013)Número Original: 16Código: 16105

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UFO (Inglês) From Web - Internet
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Questão de Vestibular - UERJ 2013
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This made me wonder why | bother being critical of anything. (£. 3) The fragment above points to what motivated the blog writer to develop his reflection. His motivation is related to the: (A) criticism raised by the blog readers (B) reviews written by the other critics (C) album recorded by the jazz master Mingus (D] comments posted by the users

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